How to find a trustworthy agent in China

Chinese sourcing agent

Here are the tips how to find a trustworthy sourcing agent in china

1, Trial order to see their professionalism

Before you decide to hire someone as your purchasing / sourcing agent in china. Try to work with them for few times to see their performance. Gradually you will notice from details if they have the professional ethics.

2. Sign a contract with them

A lot of people tend to neglect the importance of signing a contract with the sourcing agent, this would avoid certain conflicts once they start to work with you officially. Clearly stating all those rules especially on the “commission part”. It is not a secret that many agents get the hidden commission from suppliers while you pay them a decent service fee!

3. Make sure there is no single difficulty for you to speak with the agent.

They should be familiar with the products in your language. We already know that most sales people in Chinese factories do NOT speak English fluently and it could cause a lot of misunderstanding , that’s why more and more business people from overseas decide to use a sourcing agent to help them deal with everything. But it doesn’t mean all sourcing agents handle the language well either. Being able to understand and express themselves well would make the process run much faster.

4. Check feedbacks from their previous customers.

There are tons of sourcing agents out there in China, every sourcing agent tells beautiful words to make you choose them. You sit in front of your screen and confused with so many options, well, the fast way is to look at those testimonials from their past projects. It is always better to see examples for real than listen to words only.

5. Make sure they are always on time.

It is no new that lots of souring agents are not as organised as customers expected them to be, sometimes it would take them a long time to get what you asked for and respond after ages, which wouldn’t help at all for both parties.  They should be well prepared at anytime, which means they are supposed to help you making the process more efficiently. But not to get it delayed due to any reason in their part

So have you ever used any sourcing agent in China or Asia before? How was your experience with them? Feel free to share your business experience with us.


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